The Skagerrak Transport Corridor consortium

The Bohus County municipalities of Kungälv, Stenungsund, Uddevalla, Lysekil and Strömstad have formed a consortium to find the best mutual labour market development for the region and create the conditions for regional expansion toward Østfold and Oslo. Five municipalities in Norway have formally responded to an invitation to join this work. The consortium’s official name is Transportkorridor Skagerrak.

Participating municipalities in Sweden

The participating Bohus County municipalities are Kungälv, Stenungsund, Uddevalla, Lysekil and Strömstad. The consortium’s steering group comprises the chairman or appointed majority representatives from the municipal boards, and the appointed opposition representatives from the same municipalities.

The steering group consists of members from the following municipalities:
  • Kungälvs Anders Holmeskiöld (majority), opposition will come later
  • Stenungsund Olof Johansson (majority), Maria Renfors (opposition)
  • Uddevalla kommun Martin Pettersson (majority), Ingemar Samuelsson (opposition)
  • Lysekils Jan-Olof Johansson (majority), Ronald Rombrandt (opposition)
  • Strömstad Kent Hansson (majority), Lars Tysklind (opposition)
The municipal coordinators on the Swedish side are:
  • Kungälv Fredric Norrå
  • Stenungsunds Stefan Svedhem
  • Uddevalla Anders Brunberg
  • Lysekils Renée Daun
  • Strömstads kommun Björn Richardsson

If you would like to contact any of the coordinators, go to Contact

Participating municipalities in Norway

Five municipalities in Norway have formally responded to an invitation to participate in the development work. The municipalities are located in Østfold County:

  • Halden kommune Anne-Kari Holm
  • Sarpsborg kommune Sindre Martinsen
  • Indre Østfold kommune Saxe Frøshaug
  • Nordre Follo kommune Hanne Opdan
  • Rakkestad Espen Jordet
  • Alf S Johansen Border Committee Värmland Østfold, Community planner and advisor for Skagerrakbanan in Norway. Rene