Feasibility study
A feasibility study was carried out in 2019-2020 to investigate the conditions for a high-speed rail line between Oslo and Gothenburg. It brought together previous knowledge and experience. It was not an action plan but a means to highlight the possibilities.
The Bohus County municipalities included in the consortium have carried out several studies. One of them was a comprehensive feasibility study that showed, among other things, that no improved connections or shorter travel times between Oslo and Gothenburg would be made by the state before 2040. The national transport plan for 2022-2033 shows plans for a connection between Oslo and Gothenburg to be even further in the future. This was too long a wait, according to the municipalities that have themselves taken the initiative to create the conditions and funding to secure a high-speed rail line between Gothenburg and Oslo. Worse, the Bohus Line would ’never’ reach Norway, at least not in this century. Also, the Swedish Transport Administration has removed the North Bohus Line’s status as being of national strategic interest, which can be seen as a first step toward closure.
Facts regarding the national transport infrastructure plan 2022-2033
“The Swedish Transport Administration has presented a proposal for a new national transport infrastructure plan for the period 2022-2033. The plan proposes measures to maintain, expand and develop Swedish transport infrastructure over the next 12 years.” National infrastructure plan – Regeringen.se (220531)
“On 30 November 2021, the Swedish Transport Administration submitted its proposal for a national transport infrastructure plan for 2022–2033. The proposed plan was also circulated for external comment. The government is expected to decide on the content of the plan in spring of 2022.” National plan 2022-2033 – industry (trafikverket.se) (31/05/22)