From brainstorming to start-up. Follow the process step-by-step here. The Skagerrakbanan timetable is based on completion in 2030 (subject to unforeseen events). The schedule indicates a production time with an optimal decision-making process. Schedules can always be exposed to events in the outside world and economic cycles or can be extended in time, due to delayed political decisions and possible appeals against environmental decisions.
- Project start, investigation into the conditions for a high-speed connection between Gothenburg and Oslo.
- Skagerrakbanan is the solution that secures future growth in the region.
- A request for information (RFI) from construction companies confirms a build time of 5 years.
- People invited to join an information campaign to increase knowledge about Skagerrakbanan.
- Information meeting in Uddevalla for municipal planning and development strategies.
- Tender process with in-depth discussions with construction companies begins.
- Environmental assessment talks with the County Administrative Board begin.
- Detailed track planning starts
- Environmental assessment methodology developed
- Horisontal corridor in Sweden established.
- Horisontal corridor in Norway, proposals are being prepared.
2023 - 2024
Environmental approval with railway plan established.
Detailed municipal plans begun.
Delivery of detailed technical design and price.
Municipalities plan station areas.
Global procurement.
2025 2026
Contracts with selected contractors.
Collaboration with local companies for the construction of Skagerrakbanan.
Construction of viaducts, tunnels and special bridges begins.
Preparations for new public transport 2030.
Intensive construction of viaducts, tunnels, stations and special bridges.
- Release of development areas around the stations for housing, workplaces and commerce.
- Intensive construction of viaducts, tunnels, stations and special bridges continues.
Completion of viaducts, special bridges and most tunnels.
Construction of depots for railway and rolling stock maintenance.
Stations completed.
Final construction works.
High-speed trains arrive for validation and testing.
Skagerrakbanan opens for commercial traffic on 10 December 2030.
Skagerrakbanan begins 60 years of full operation.Reinvestment will then add a further 60 years of operations.